平台登录已经更新了 隐私政策. Our policy describes how we may collect, use, process and share your personal information. 平台登录使用的cookie因类型和管辖权而异. 访问平台登录网站底部的“您的隐私选择”链接, 其中描述了平台登录使用的cookie以及如何管理它们.


Important PG&E关闭更新


Power has been restored to all San Jose Water stations serving our mountain customers. 不再需要备用发电机. 在此PSPS事件期间,没有客户失去供水服务. Thank you for our customers for their patience and understanding during this time. 


DG真人游戏务公司知道PG&E's Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS) tentatively scheduled to go into effect on Wednesday, 10月14日晚上8点或之后.

This event will affect a small portion of customers – about 200 connections in the Santa Cruz Mountains around Redwood Estates. SJW的大多数客户都会这样做 not be affected.

Plans are already in effect to have backup power at all of our facilities that may be impacted by the PSPS event.

要确认您是否可能受到影响,请访问PG&E’s website

Should your home or business experience any problem with water service, contact us at (408) 279-7900.

更多信息将在PG中提供&E event on our website and social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. #sjwaterco


PG&10月26日th Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS) has been given the “all clear” in Santa Clara County and PG&E is in the process of inspecting power lines, making repairs, and restoring service. Many parts of our service area have had power restored but there are still a few pockets that are awaiting power restoration. 这可能需要24到48小时才能完成.

Another round of PSPS will start later today, October 29, 2019 around 11 PM. Per PG&E’s maps, this appears to be a smaller affected area than previous PSPS events and SJW facilities do not anticipate any power interruptions.

While we may not be affected by tonight’s PSPS, SJW continues to prepare for any contingency. Back-up power is available at many of our pumping stations and reservoirs to make sure water is available to you. No customers lost water service in the past week due to the power outage.

感谢您在这些充满挑战的PG期间的帮助&E PSPS events. Your conservation efforts have been appreciated and allowed SJW to minimize the use of fossil fuels while running many generators.

平台登录意识到仍有家庭和企业断电. Should you experience any problem with water service, please contact us at (408) 279-7900.  

Please visit our PSPS update page to learn more about what this means for our customers: tzmuyg.com/PSPS-Update.


SJW正在监控各种PG&E . PSPS事件正在演变.

The Oct. 26th PSPS已收到“全部清除”和PG&E正在检查和恢复服务. 这个过程可能需要24到48小时,包括电线检查 and repairs before restoring the power.

However, another wind event may be right around the corner that would result in another PSPS event starting tomorrow, October 29th. 一旦有消息,平台登录会及时通知您.

SJW将继续为任何突发事件做好准备. Back-up power is available at many of our pumping stations and reservoirs to make sure water is available to you. No customers lost water service in the past week due to the power outage.

请在这些PSPS活动期间继续您的保护努力.  SJW asks that all customers limit their water use to only essential activities such as cooking and bathing. 请避免作其他用途,例如景观灌溉. 关闭任何灌溉控制器.

平台登录意识到仍有家庭和企业断电. Should you experience any problem with water service, please contact us at (408) 279-7900.  

Please visit our PSPS update page to learn more about what this means for our customers: tzmuyg.com/PSPS-Update.


PG&E has given Santa Clara County the “all clear” and has begun turning power back on after the Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS). 这个过程可能需要24到48小时,包括电线检查, repairs, 然后恢复权力.

However, another wind event may be right around the corner that would result in another PSPS event starting tomorrow, October 29th. 一旦有消息,平台登录会及时通知您.

SJW将继续为任何突发事件做好准备. Back-up power is available at many of our pumping stations and reservoirs to make sure water is available to you. No customers lost water service in the past week due to the power outage.

Thank you for your conservation efforts during this most recent PSPS event. Your help allowed water to be available for essential uses like cooking and bathing. Turning off your irrigation systems helped maintain adequate water supplies for fire protection needs in our area.

平台登录意识到仍有家庭和企业断电. Should you experience any problem with water service, please contact us at (408) 279-7900.  

Please visit our PSPS update page to learn more about what this means for our customers: tzmuyg.com/PSPS-Update.


PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutdown continues to affect our service area with power outages.

SJW is monitoring its operations to ensure our customers have water service. Back-up generators are in place at multiple pump stations and storage tanks to allow water to continue to flow.  这是一个24小时的操作,直到PSPS事件结束.

We are also in regular contact with the Emergency Operations Centers for Santa Clara County and Valley Water, 以前被称为圣克拉拉谷水区.

SJW正密切关注事态发展. Should your home or business experience any problem with water service, contact us at (408) 279-7900. For those areas that may experience water service issues related to this PSPS, 平台登录将通过电话或短信与您沟通与状态更新. 

SJW asks that all customers limit their water use to only essential activities such as cooking and bathing. 请避免作其他用途,例如景观灌溉. 关闭任何灌溉控制器.

感谢您在本次PSPS活动期间的保护协助. 它减少了运行化石燃料发电机和泵的需求, as well as ensure that water storage reservoirs are kept full to meet fire-protection needs.

Our thoughts are with evacuees who have had to flee their homes and businesses due to fires as well as the firefighters who relentlessly fight these infernos throughout the Bay Area.

Please visit our PSPS update page to learn more about what this means for our customers: tzmuyg.com/PSPS-Update. 更多信息可在 http://lv0s.tzmuyg.com/pge-psps


The PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) has affected parts of our service area since last night at approximately 8 PM. 圣何塞的一些顾客, Saratoga, Los Gatos, Cupertino, Monte Sereno, 以及圣克拉拉县部分未建制的地区,包括红木庄园, 失去了力量.

整个晚上, San Jose Water staff monitored our pump stations and key storage tanks to make sure back-up power was working properly to maintain water service for customers. 这些行动将在整个PSPS活动期间继续进行.  

We are also in regular contact with the Emergency Operations Centers for Santa Clara County and Valley Water, 以前被称为圣克拉拉谷水区.

SJW正密切关注事态发展. Should your home or business experience any problem with water service, contact us at (408) 279-7900. For those areas that may experience water service issues related to this PSPS, 平台登录将通过电话或短信与您沟通与状态更新. 

SJW asks that all customers limit their water use to only essential activities such as cooking and bathing. 请避免作其他用途,例如景观灌溉. 关闭任何灌溉控制器.

感谢您在本次PSPS活动期间的保护协助. 它减少了运行化石燃料发电机和泵的需求, as well as ensure that water storage reservoirs are kept full to meet fire-protection needs.

Please visit our PSPS update page to learn more about what this means for our customers: tzmuyg.com/PSPS-Update. 更多信息可在 http://lv0s.tzmuyg.com/pge-psps


PG&E began shutting off power to parts of Santa Clara County at approximately 8:00 PM, October 26, 2019.

Our staff is working through the night to ensure your continued water service. 备用发电机在主要的储罐和泵站就位.

平台登录正在密切关注事态发展. Should your home or business experience any problem with water service, contact us at (408) 279-7900. For those areas that may experience water service issues related to this PSPS, 平台登录将通过电话或短信与您沟通与状态更新. 

SJW asks that all customers limit their water use to only essential activities such as cooking and bathing. 请避免作其他用途,例如景观灌溉. 关闭任何灌溉控制器.

Please visit our PSPS update page to learn more about what this means for our customers: tzmuyg.com/PSPS-Update 更多信息可在 http://lv0s.tzmuyg.com/pge-psps

PG&E公共安全停电- 2019年10月25日更新

DG真人游戏务公司知道PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS) tentatively scheduled to go into effect on Saturday, October 26th 下午6点或之后.

We are diligently working to maintain water service for all our customers. 就像10月初的最后一次psp一样, we have back-up generators in place and a plan to maintain power to all our facilities, 包括储罐和泵站, 确保供水服务的持续供应.

Keeping customers informed is important and information will be disseminated throughout the PSPS on our website at www.sjwater.Com和平台登录的社交媒体平台. #sjwaterco http://www.facebook.com/sjwaterco     http://twitter.com/sjwaterco     http://www.instagram.com/sjwater/



Water Blogged

一位在美国兼任公共事业官员的SJW工程师.S. 陆军太平洋预备队? 阅读平台登录最新的报道 Water Blogged, featuring a rewarding mission that took him to Fiji this summer to share water industry expertise with the Water Authority of Fiji. 自豪地称他为平台登录的孩子!



Get tips on reading your bill, online billing, reading your meter, and related information.

Be Prepared

所有居民都应该做好应对自然灾害的准备, 包括地震和电力中断. 应急准备信息有许多来源,包括 平台登录自己的网站.

SJW staff are monitoring the situation closely and will provide updates on our website as well as on Facebook, Twitter 和Instagram.

Head to the PG&E website 以了解有关可能的中断和受影响的区域的更多信息. 您也可以打电话给平台登录(408)279-7900.